\ FORTH BIT Arrays , by Bob Dickow dickow@turbonet.com
\ version 1.0.3 Mar 2, 2018
\ Notes:
\ endian agnostic, address unit agnostic (untested)
\ Vocabulary (internal dependencies) ^2MASKS bmask _BIT@
\ Vocabulary: 2^ BIT@ BIT! BOOL@ BOOL!
\ BOOL@ and BOOL! are convenience words to avoid converting FALSE to 1
\ 2^ may be handy outside the array access words. Included for compatibility with earlier versions
\ Buffers for a bit array should be a minimum of 1 CELL in size
CELL 8 * CONSTANT AddressUnit \ 8 is bits in a byte
\ calulates the power of 2 ( n -- 2^n )
: 2^ ( n -- 2^n )
1 swap lshift
\ compiling word, creates an array of CELL * 8 powers of 2 for masking use in the array fetch and store words.
\ does: ( nindex -- nvalue ) \\ nindex is 0, 1, 2 ... giving 2^31, 2^30, 2^29 ... 2^0
: ^2MASKS ( <name> -- )
0 AddressUnit 1- DO
i 2^
, -1 +LOOP
^2MASKS bmask \ lookup table of powers of 2 for the BIT@ and BOOL@ words
\ factored out, internal use by BIT@, BOOL@
: _BIT@ ( caddr n-index -- n )
AddressUnit /MOD ( caddr n n )
CELLS ( caddr n n )
ROT + ( n caddr )
@ SWAP ( nval n )
bmask AND ( n )
\ given a memory buffer address caddr and index n representing at bit-wise
\ index, return the value of the bit at that index as 1 | 0.
: BIT@ ( caddr n-index -- n )
_BIT@ ( n )
0= NOT
\ store a value TRUE|FALSE or 1|0, given the value (TRUE|FALSE or 1|0), an address, and a bit-wise index
\ (synonym for BOOL! below)
: BIT! ( n-value caddr n-index -- )
ROT ABS 1 AND ( caddr n n ) \ bounds check
IF ['] OR ELSE ['] XOR THEN >R \ set masking op
AddressUnit /MOD ( caddr n n )
CELLS ( caddr n n )
ROT + DUP ( n caddr caddr )
@ ROT ( caddr caddr nval )
bmask R> EXECUTE ( caddr n )
\ given a memory buffer address caddr and index n representing at bit-wise
\ offset, return or store the value of the bit as TRUE|FALSE values.
: BOOL@ ( caddr n-index -- flg )
_BIT@ ( n )
0= NOT ( n )
\ Synonym for BIT!
\ store a value TRUE|FALSE ( or 1|0 ), given the value n, a base address of the array, and a bit-wise index into it.
: BOOL! ( n caddr n-index -- )