Portable (mostly standard) implementations of some Gforth features
- raw README
- raw anslocal.fs
- raw assert.fs
- raw caseext.fs
- raw control.fs
- raw defer.fs
- raw exception.fs
- raw execute-parsing.fs
- raw loops.fs
- raw macros.fs
- raw package.4th
- raw required.fs
- raw strcomp.fs
- raw struct.fs
- raw vocabulary.fs
- raw xlocals.fs
\ required \ This file is in the public domain. NO WARRANTY. \ s" filename" required \ includes the file if no file name "filename" has been included before \ warning: does not deal correctly with accesses to the same file through \ different path names; but since ANS Forth does not specify path handling... \ The program uses the following words \ from CORE : \ 0= : swap >r dup 2dup r> rot move ; cells r@ @ over ! cell+ 2! BEGIN \ WHILE 2@ IF drop 2drop EXIT THEN REPEAT ELSE Variable \ from CORE-EXT : \ 2>r 2r@ 2r> true \ from BLOCK-EXT : \ \ \ from EXCEPTION : \ throw \ from FILE : \ S" ( included \ from MEMORY : \ allocate \ from SEARCH : \ forth-wordlist search-wordlist \ from STRING : \ compare \ from TOOLS-EXT : \ [IF] [THEN] s" required" forth-wordlist search-wordlist [if] drop [else] \ we use a linked list of names : save-mem ( addr1 u -- addr2 u ) \ gforth \ copy a memory block into a newly allocated region in the heap swap >r dup allocate throw swap 2dup r> rot rot move ; : name-add ( addr u listp -- ) >r save-mem ( addr1 u ) 3 cells allocate throw \ allocate list node r@ @ over ! \ set next pointer dup r> ! \ store current node in list var cell+ 2! ; : name-present? ( addr u list -- f ) rot rot 2>r begin ( list R: addr u ) dup while dup cell+ 2@ 2r@ compare 0= if drop 2r> 2drop true EXIT then @ repeat ( drop 0 ) 2r> 2drop ; : name-join ( addr u list -- ) >r 2dup r@ @ name-present? if r> drop 2drop else r> name-add then ; variable included-names 0 included-names ! : included ( i*x addr u -- j*x ) 2dup included-names name-join included ; : required ( i*x addr u -- j*x ) 2dup included-names @ name-present? 0= if included else 2drop then ; [then]
by AntonErtl
forth-94, forth-2012, strings, gforth, locals, assertions, control-structures, macros