
Generic driver for HD44780 based LCDs


MCU-independent LCD driver for the common HD44780 and its ubiquitous clones.


Reading the display data is not supported, that way RW can be tied to GND and one can directly drive E, RS, D7-D4 with a 3.3V MCU

Before including the library, define theese three words. You can also check out the demo file for a simple implementation.

  1. lcd-nibble ( x -- ) send a nibble to the LCD (set D7-D4 and strobe E)
  2. lcd-mode-data ( -- ) data mode (clear RS)
  3. lcd-mode-cmd ( -- ) data mode (set RS)

Once the required words are defined and the library is included, using it is as easy as typing the following:

-1 lcd-init
lcd( Hi there!)

Usage / Words

lcd-emit ( x -- )

send byte to display

Example Show 'A': CHAR A lcd-emit

lcd-cmd ( x -- )

send command to display (used by subsequent lcd-* words)

lcd-clear ( -- )

clear display content

lcd-home ( -- )

move cursor to home position

lcd-entry-mode ( f-I/D f-S -- )

I/D=1 increment or I/D=0 decrement address after write,

S=1 shift entire display to I/D direction

Example Increment on store, do not shift -1 0 lcd-entry-mode

lcd-display-control ( f-D f-C f-B -- )

D=1 display on, D=0 off

C=1 cursor on, C=0 off

B=1 cursor blink on, B=0 off

Example disable display: 0 0 0 lcd-display-control

Example enable display, show non-blinking cursor: -1 -1 0 lcd-display-control

lcd-c/d-shift ( f-S/C f-R/L -- )

S/C=1 display shift, S/C=0 cursor shift

R/L=1 to the right, R/L=0 to the left

lcd-function-set ( f-DL f-N f-F -- )

DL=1 8 bit, DL=0 4 bit data length

N=1 2 lines, N=0 1 line

F=1 5x10 dots, F=0 5x8 fots

lcd-cgram ( u-addr -- )

set Character Generator RAM address (used to handle custom characters, see lcd-char)

lcd-ddram ( u-addr -- )

set Display Data RAM address (sets the cursor position)

Example go to 2nd line on a 2-line display or 3rd line on a 4-line display: $40 lcd-ddram

Hint: A 2-line display has the 1st line at DDRAM $00, the 2nd at $40. A 4-line display has the 1st line at DDRAM $00, 2nd at $20, 3rd at $40, 4th at $60.

lcd-init ( f-lines -- )

initialize 4 bit interface

Example Initialize a multi-line LCD: -1 lcd-init

lcd-type ( c-addr n -- )

send string to display

Example s" text" lcd-type

lcd( ( -- )

like .( but send to lcd

Example lcd( Forth rocks)

lcd" ( -- )

like ." but send to lcd

Example : hi lcd" Hello" ;

lcd. ( -- )

number output

Example 42 lcd.

lcd-char ( c-addr u-char -- )

Define a custom character, c-addr points to an address containing 8 consecutive pattern codes. u-char must be between [0,7].


Example Hourglass as custom character 4:

\ each byte represents a line starting from top to bottom
create hourglass-data $1F c, $11 c, $0A c, $04 c, $0A c, $11 c, $1F c, $00 c,
\ send custom character to LCD
hourglass-data 4 lcd-char
\ display the character at the current DDRAM-position
4 lcd-emit

by GeraldWodni

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hardware, mcu



