
Structure Source Code in a Collection of Screens

Screen words glossary

+LOAD ( u -- )
Add a given number u to the current screen number scr and load that screen.

+THRU ( +from +to -- )
Calculate the new from and to by adding the current screen number scr to the provided numbers +from and +to, respectively. Then, load and interpret the screen range from from to to from the current file.

B ( -- ) "back"
Decrement the value of the screen number scr by 1 and display the corresponding screen.

BY ( u <name> -- )
Define a new word with a given name <name>. When <name> is later executed it loads screen u. Same as LOADS.

FROM ( <filename> -- )
Set the fromfilename variable to a given filename.

HI ( -- )
Load screen 0.

INDEX ( from to -- )
Print the first line of the range of screens from a given from to to, for indexing purposes.

L ( -- ) "list"
Display the content of the current screen.

LD ( -- ) "load"
Load the current screen.

LIST ( u -- )
Set the current screen to u, then display the current screen.

LOAD ( u -- )
Load and interpret screen u from the current file.

LOADS ( u <name> -- )
Define a new word with a given name <name>. When <name> is later executed it loads screen u. Same as BY.

N ( -- ) "next"
Increment the value of the screen number scr by 1, then display the corresponding screen.

QX ( -- ) "quick index"
Calculate and display the title lines of a range of 30 screens from the current screen to the 30th screen afterwards. Use for quick indexing.

THRU ( from to -- )
Load and interpret a screen range from a given from to to from the current file.

USE ( <filename> -- )
Set the usefilename and fromfilename variables to a given filename and load the corresponding file into memory.

UTILITY ( u <name> -- )
Define a new constant <name> with a given value u.

by UlrichHoffmann

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ansforth94, forth-94, forth-2012



