Portable (mostly standard) implementations of some Gforth features
- raw README
- raw anslocal.fs
- raw assert.fs
- raw caseext.fs
- raw control.fs
- raw defer.fs
- raw exception.fs
- raw execute-parsing.fs
- raw loops.fs
- raw macros.fs
- raw package.4th
- raw required.fs
- raw strcomp.fs
- raw struct.fs
- raw vocabulary.fs
- raw xlocals.fs
\ +DO, -DO...-LOOP and friends \ This file is in the public domain. NO WARRANTY. \ Hmm, this would be a good application for ]] ... [[ \ The program uses the following words \ from CORE : \ : POSTPONE over min ; immediate 2dup IF swap THEN drop negate +LOOP \ ELSE 2drop < 1+ DO u< \ from CORE-EXT : \ ?DO u> \ from BLOCK-EXT : \ \ \ from FILE : \ ( : +DO ( compile-time: -- do-sys; run-time: n1 n2 -- ) POSTPONE over POSTPONE min POSTPONE ?do ; immediate : umin ( u1 u2 -- u ) 2dup u> IF swap THEN drop ; : U+DO ( compile-time: -- do-sys; run-time: u1 u2 -- ) POSTPONE over POSTPONE umin POSTPONE ?do ; immediate \ -DO...-LOOP \ You have to use the -LOOP implemented below with -DO or U-DO, you \ cannot use it with ?DO \ The implementation is a little more complicated. Basically, we \ create an IF DO ... +LOOP THEN structure. The DO..+LOOP does not \ exhibit the anomaly of ?DO...+LOOP; the IF..THEN is needed to \ correct for DO's at-least-once semantics. The parameters are \ conditioned a bit such that the result is as expected. \ I define a '-do-sys' (whose implementation is 'orig do-sys'). Like \ ANS Forth loop structures, this implementation of -DO..-LOOP \ cannot be mixed with any other structures. \ unlike Gforth's -LOOP, this implementation cannot handle all \ unsigned increments, only positive integers : -LOOP ( compilation -do-sys -- ; run-time loop-sys1 +n -- | loop-sys2 ) POSTPONE negate POSTPONE +loop POSTPONE else POSTPONE 2drop POSTPONE then ; immediate : -DO ( compilation -- -do-sys ; run-time n1 n2 -- | loop-sys ) POSTPONE 2dup POSTPONE < POSTPONE if POSTPONE swap POSTPONE 1+ POSTPONE swap POSTPONE do ; immediate : U-DO ( compilation -- -do-sys ; run-time u1 u2 -- | loop-sys ) POSTPONE 2dup POSTPONE u< POSTPONE if POSTPONE swap POSTPONE 1+ POSTPONE swap POSTPONE do ; immediate
by AntonErtl
forth-94, forth-2012, strings, gforth, locals, assertions, control-structures, macros