
A collection of recognizers

\ Purpose: Number recognizers based on Forth CORE (only?)
\ Author: Matthias Trute
\ Date: Oct 10, 2016
\ License: Public Domain
\ not really smart code, tested with old gforth's and vfxlin's


' noop :NONAME POSTPONE LITERAL ; DUP  recognizer: r:num
' noop :NONAME POSTPONE 2LITERAL ; DUP recognizer: r:dnum

\ helper words for number recognizers

\ set BASE according the the character at addr
\ return string is stripped of it if found.

create num-bases 10 , 16 , 2 , 8 ,
: set-base ( addr len -- addr' len' )
   over c@ 35 - dup 0 4 within if 
    cells num-bases + @ base ! 1 /string 

\ check for - sign. return string is 
\ without it if found.

: -sign? ( addr len -- addr' len' f )
  over c@ [char] - = dup >r
  if 1 /string then r> 
\ check for the 'c' syntax for single
\ characters. Assumes 1 char = 1

: rec:char ( addr len -- n r:num | r:fail )
  3 = if \ a three character string
    dup c@ [char] ' = if \ starts with a '
      dup 2 + c@ [char] ' = if \ and ends with a '
        1+ c@ r:num exit
  drop r:fail

\ check for double number input
\ strictly following Forth 2012 spec
\ that is <base-prefix><sign><digits><dot>
\ e.g. #-42. but not -#42. or -#4.2
\ this recognizer is very strict about it.


: rec:dnum ( addr len -- d r:dnum | rfail )
    \ simple syntax check: last character in addr/len is a dot . ?
    2dup + 1- c@ [char] . = if 
      1-                  \ strip trailing dot
      base @ >r set-base  \ save BASE and check'n'set for a new one.
      -sign? >r           \ check for the minus sign character
      2>r 0 0 2r> >number \ do the actual conversion
      r> r> base !        \ restore BASE and sign information
      swap if 2drop 2drop r:fail else nip if dnegate then r:dnum then
      2drop r:fail  \ no, it cannot be a double cell number.

\ check for single cell number input

\ number format according to Forth 2012
\ <prefix><sign><digits>
\ #-42, but not -#42

: rec:snum ( addr len -- n r:num | rfail )
    base @ >r \ save BASE
    set-base -sign? >r
    2>r 0 0 2r> >number ( -- d addr' len' )
    r> r> base ! >r \ restore BASE
    \ a number and only a number?
    nip if 2drop r> drop r:fail exit then ( -- d )
    \ a single cell number?
    if r> drop r:fail else r> if negate then r:num then

\ combine them, just for testing purposes
3 RECOGNIZER VALUE recstack:numbers

' rec:char ' rec:dnum ' rec:snum 3 recstack:numbers SET-RECOGNIZERS

: REC:NUM ( addr len -- n R:NUM | d R:DNUM | R:FAIL )
  recstack:numbers DO-RECOGNIZER 

\ ------------- Unit tests for all of the above ----------


T{ S" 'z'"  rec:char -> char z r:num }T
T{ S" 'z '" rec:char -> r:fail }T

T{ S" 1234."  rec:dnum -> 1234. r:dnum }T
T{ S" -1234." rec:dnum -> -1234. r:dnum }T
T{ S" $1234." rec:dnum -> $1234. r:dnum }T
T{ S" $-1234." rec:dnum -> $-1234. r:dnum }T

T{ S" -$1234." rec:dnum -> r:fail }T
T{ S" 1234"   rec:dnum -> r:fail }T
T{ S" ABCXYZ" rec:dnum -> r:fail }T

T{ S" 1234"   rec:snum ->  1234  r:num }T
T{ S" -1234"  rec:snum -> -1234  r:num }T
T{ S" $1234"  rec:snum -> $1234  r:num }T
T{ S" $-1234" rec:snum -> $-1234 r:num }T
T{ S" #1234"  rec:snum ->  1234  r:num }T
T{ S" %1110"  rec:snum -> %1110  r:num }T

T{ S" #123a"  rec:snum -> r:fail }T
T{ S" -$1234" rec:snum -> r:fail }T
T{ S" 1234."  rec:snum -> r:fail }T
T{ S" ABCXYZ" rec:snum -> r:fail }T