processessing strings the forth way: on a string stack
String Stack Glossary
(" ( ccc<)> -- )
Start a string stack comment.
" ( ccc<"> -- ) (" -- s )
Parse characters form the input stream delimited by ". Put the parsed sttring on top of the string stack. The word " is state smart and can be used in interpretation and in compilation state.
"! (" s -- ) ( addr -- )
Copy the string s as a cell counted string to the memory at adddr. Remove s from the string stack.
"" ( -- ) (" -- s )
Put the empty stack on top of the string stack.
"-roll ( +n -- ) (" sn ... s0 -- s0 sn ... s1 )
Move the top most string on the string stack to the nth position on the string stack.
". (" s -- )
Print the topmost string from the string, remove it.
".s ( -- ) (" -- )
Show the contents of the string stack with the topmost string first.
"< ( -- f ) (" s0 s1 -- )
Determine whether or not the second most string s1 is lexicographically less than the topmost string s0.
"<= ( -- f ) (" s0 s1 -- )
Determine whether or not the second most string s1 is lexicographically less or equal than the topmost string s0.
"= ( -- f ) (" s0 s1 -- )
Determine whether or not the top kost strings on the string stack are equail.
"@ ( addr -- ) (" -- s )
Fetch a cell counted string from memory and put it on the string stack.
"allot ( len -- )
Allocate a new string stack and put its anchor address in "stack.
"append ( c -- ) (" s0 -- s1 )
Append the character c at the end of the topmost string on the string stack.
"clear ( -- ) (" s*i -- )
Remove all items from the string stack.
"compare ( -- n ) (" s0 s1 -- )
Compare the string s0 and s1. If s0 is lexicographically less than s1 return -1. If they are equal return 0. If s0 is greater than s1 return 1.
"Constant ( name< > -- ) (" s -- )
Define a new string constant named name. When name is later executed it puts the string s on the top of string stack.
"count ( -- addr len ) (" s -- s )
Get the address and length of the topmost string from the string stack. addr ist the address of the forst character in the string.
"delimiter-join (" s1 s2 ... sn delim -- s ) ( n -- )
Concatenate the n strings sn, ... s2, s1
(sn at the beginning of the resulting string s)
interspersed with the delimiter string delim.
" ef" " cd" " ab" 3 " /" "delimiter-join
results in ab/cd/ef.
"delimiter-split (" s0 delim -- s1 ... sn ) ( -- n )
Split the text s0 on occurances of the delimiter string delim. s1 to sn are the resulting parts. sn is the closest to the beginning of s0. The parts do no longer contain the delimiter. n is the number of parts. The effect of "delimiter-split can be reversed by calling "delimiter-join with the same delimiter.
"depth ( -- +n ) (" sn-1 ... s0 -- sn-1 ... s0 )
Get the number of strings on the string stack.
"drop ( -- ) (" s -- )
Remove the topmost string from the string stack.
"dup ( -- ) (" s -- s s )
Put another copy of the top most string on the stack on top of the string stack.
"expect ( +n -- ) (" -- s )
Accept user input from the terminal and put the entered string on top of the string stack.
"extract ( +n0 +n1 -- ) (" s0 -- s1 )
Retrieve the substring of the top most string on the string stack
starting at character position +n0 and ending at +n1.
" abcdefghi" 3 5 "extract
results in the string de
"join ( -- ) (" s0 s1 -- s2 )
Concatenate the characters of the string s1 to those of s0 giving the string s2. s0 and s1 are removed from the string stack.
"joins ( n -- ) (" s0 s1 .. sn -- s )
Remove and concatenate the n topmost strings, so that the resulting string s has the characters of sn, sn-1, ... s1, and s0.
"length ( -- len ) (" s -- s )
Get the length of the topmost string on the stringstack.
"over ( -- ) (" s0 s1 -- s0 s1 s0 )
Put another copy of the second most string on the stack on top of the string stack.
"pick ( +n -- ) (" sn ... s0 -- sn ... s0 sn )
Copy the nth string from the string stack and put it on top of the string stack.
"pop ( -- addr len ) (" s -- )
Remove the topmost string from the stringstack and leave its address and lenght on the data stack.
"positions (" s1 s2 -- s1 ) ( -- n1 n2 ... nn n )
Find all the positions of the string s2 inside the text s1 and put them on the stack. n is the number of occurances.
"push ( addr len -- ) (" -- s )
Put the string given by addr and len on top of the string stack.
"roll ( +n -- ) (" sn ... s0 -- sn-1 ... s0 sn )
Move the nth string from within the string stack to the topmost location.
"rot ( -- ) (" s0 s1 s2 -- s1 s2 s0 )
Move the third most string on the string stack to the top most position.
"search (" s1 s2 -- s1 ) ( -- n f )
Find the string s2 inside the text s1. If s2 is found leave
its starting position n within s1 and a true flag on the stack.
If not found put a length of s1 and a false flag on the stack.
" abcdefg" " de" "search
results in 3 and true on the stack.
"split ( +n -- ) (" s0 -- s1 s2 )
Cut the topmost string s0 at character position +n into the
prefix s2 and the suffix s1.
" abcdefghi" 3 "split
puts the strings defghi
(s1, second most)
and abc
(s2, topmost) on the string stack.
"stack ( -- addr )
Put the address of teh variable "stack on the stack. "stack is the anchor address of the current string stack. Switching addresses in "stack switches to a another stack. "allot allocates a new string stack and initializes "stack to this stack.
"substitute (" s1 s2 s3 -- s1' ) ( -- )
Replace the first occurcance of the string s2 in the text s1 by the string s3 putting the resulting string on top of the string stack. If s2 is not found in s1, s1 remains unchanged.
"swap ( -- ) (" s0 s1 -- s1 s0 )
Exchange top most and second most string on the string stack.
"th ( +n -- addr ) (" s -- s )
Retrieve the address of nth string (counting from 0) from the string stack. The string stack is not modified. addr is the address of a cell counted string (suitable to be processed by length).
"Variable ( name< > +n -- )
Define a new strung variable named name. Whem name is later executed it puts its adress on the data stack suitable for "! and "@.
c"push ( char -- ) (" -- s )
Put the char char as a string on top of the string stack.
length ( a-addr1 -- a-addr2 u )
Get the length u and the address a-addr2 of the first character of the call counted string at a-addr1.
by UlrichHoffmann
forth-94, forth-2012strings, forth-2012, strings