
BREAK/CONTINUE-Statements for Standard Forth

BREAK Glossary

BREAK ( -- )


Immediately exit the innermost textual enclosing BEGIN- or DO-loop (removing the loop's loop-sys from the return stack). If no surrounding loop is present, exit the current definition (removing the definition's nest-sys from the return stack).

Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.


  • Within a BEGIN-loop ( C: dest -- orig dest ) ( u v loopID -- u+1 v loopID )

    Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig onto the control flow stack below an existing dest that specifies the beginning of the BEGIN-loop. Update u to reflect the new item on the control stack.

    Append the run-time semantics given above to the current definition.

    The semantics are incomplete until orig is resolved (e.g., by UNTIL).

  • Within a DO-loop or outside any loop ( C: -- ) ( loopID -- loopID )

    Append the run-time semantics given above to the current definition.



Immediately start a new cycle of the innermost textual enclosing BEGIN- or DO-loop: In a BEGIN loop transfer control directly to the beginning of the loop. In a DO-loop transfer control directly to the corresponding LOOP or +LOOP skipping all remaining instructions. If no surrounding loop is present, exit the current definition (removing the definition's nest-sys from the return stack).

Interpretation: Interpretation semantics for this word are undefined.


  • Within a BEGIN-loop ( C: dest -- dest ) ( loopID -- loopID )

    Append the run-time semantics given above to the current definition, resolving the backward reference dest.

  • Whithin a DO-loop ( C: -- orig ) ( u v loopID -- u+1 v loopID )

    Put the location of a new unresolved forward reference orig onto the control flow stack. Update u to reflect the new item on the control stack.

    Append the run-time semantics given above to the current definition.

    The semantics are incomplete until orig is resolved (e.g., by ´LOOP´).

  • Outside any loop ( C: -- ) ( loopID -- loopID )

    Append the run-time semantics given above to the current definition.