dynamic-memory-allocation 1.0.1

An implementation of ALLOCATE FREE RESIZE in Forth-94


Am implementation of Knuth's dynamic memory allocation algorithm in Forth-94

Ulrich Hoffmann <uho@xlerb.de>

Version 1.0.0 - 2016-10-30

This package provides an implementation of a dynamic memory scheme as proposed by Donald E. Knuth [1] and implemented in Forth(-83) by Klaush Schleisiek [2]. It has been updated to Forth-94 and augmented by Ulrich Hoffmann.

The package exposes the standard words ALLOCATE, FREE, RESIZE, and the words EMPTY-MEMORY for initialization and SIZE for retrieving the size of an allocated block.


To use dynamic memory, just INCLUDE dynamic.fs on any standard system. This makes the memory allocation words available. After loading you still have a standard system.


See the file glossary.md for a description of the defined words.

Example usage

Initialize memory

here 10000   dup allot   empty-memory

Allocate memory areas

500 allocate .  \ output 0  ( c-addr1 ) 
700 allocate .  \ output 0  ( c-addr1 c-addr2 )
( two addresses now on the stack )

Resize memory:

over size .     \ output 500  ( c-addr1 c-addr2 )
dup size .      \ output 700  ( c-addr1 c-addr2 )
1000 resize .   \ output 0    ( c-addr1 c-addr3 ) \ enlarge
  50 resize .   \ output 0    ( c-addr1 c-addr4 ) \ shrink

Free memory:

free . \ output 0 ( c-addr1 )
free . \ output 0 ( )

Bug Reports

Please send bug reports, improvements and suggestions to Ulrich Hoffmann <uho@xlerb.de>


This program conforms to Forth-94 and Forth-2012.


[1] D. E. Knuth, "The Art of ComputerProgramming", Vol.1, Pg.442, Algorithm C
[2] K. Schleisiek, "Dynamic Memory Allocation", FORML 88 Conference Proceedings, p.73ff

May the Forth be with you!