\ Forth package manager version utils
\ (c)copyright 2016 by Gerald Wodni <gerald.wodni@gmail.com>
\ as Forth has no standardized way to interface with directories,
\ versions-numbers are stored in a version-file which contains
\ one entry per line. This avoids the need to read a directory
: open-or-create ( c-addr-path n-path -- fid ior )
\ file exists and can be reopened
2dup w/o open-file ?dup 0= if
r@ file-size throw \ get last byte
r@ reposition-file \ move file pointer there
nip nip \ remove path
r> swap exit \ return fid ior
\ otherwise create file
w/o create-file ;
\ open or create file and add line
: append-to-file ( c-addr-line n-line c-addr-path n-path -- ior )
open-or-create throw
>r r@ write-line throw
r> close-file ;
\ s" 1.2.4" s" vers" append-to-file throw
256 constant max-line
max-line 2 + buffer: line-buffer
\ checking every line for a match
: scan-lines ( c-addr-line n-line fid -- f )
line-buffer max-line r@ read-line throw
>r 2dup line-buffer r> compare 0=
2drop true
2drop false
then rdrop ;
\ check if line is inside of file
: line-in-file ( c-addr-line n-line c-addr-path n-path -- f )
r/o open-file if \ if file does not exist, return false
false exit
>r r@ scan-lines
r> close-file throw ;