Standard Forth support for words with special interpretation and compilation semantics
- raw
- raw example-ascii.fs
- raw example-dot-quote.fs
- raw example-s-quote.fs
- raw example-tick.fs
- raw example-val-to.fs
- raw interpretive.fs
- raw mit-license
- raw package.4th
\ Have interpretive words as to avoid state smartness uh 2018-05-13 \ Provide the ability to define interactive words that are only found while the system is in interpretation mode. \ This allows to define words that have divergent interpretation and compilation semantics to support the interpreter/compiler \ copy&paste paradigm. \ \ Usage Example: \ \ Finding the execution token of a word ("ticking") in interpretation mode or in compilation mode with the same notation, \ e.g.: \ \ VARIABLE output xt-of EMIT output ! \ : silent-output ( -- ) xt-of DROP output ! ; \ \ can be defined like this: \ \ interpretive{ \ \ : xt-of ( <name> -- xt ) ' ; \ \ }interpretive \ \ : xt-of ( <name> -- ) POSTPONE ['] ; IMMEDIATE \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ Standard conformant labeling: \ \ This is an ANS Forth Program with environmental dependencies, \ - Requiring ] [ VARIABLE THEN SWAP R> POSTPONE OVER IMMEDIATE IF DUP CR @ >R = ; : 1- 1+ 0= ! EVALUATE ( \ from the Core word set. \ - Requiring NIP :NONAME .( \ from the Core Extensions word set. \ - Requiring WORDS from the Programming-Tools word set. \ - Requiring ;CODE from the Programming-Tools Extensions word set. \ - Requiring WORDLIST SET-ORDER SET-CURRENT GET-ORDER GET-CURRENT from the Search-Order word set. \ \ Required program documentation: \ \ - Environmental dependencies \ * This program has no known environmental dependencies. \ \ - Other program documentation: \ * After loading this program, a Standard System does no longer exist: \ * in interpretation mode the first element in the search order is a word list with interactive words. \ Names in this wordlist are found first. In compilation mode, this wordlist is not the first wordlist \ in the search order so that ordinary definitions are found during compilation. Thus \ * changing compilation state (by the words : ; ABORT QUIT :NONAME [ ]) also changes the search order, \ especially : changes the search order in contrast to the standardized behaviour of : in 6.1.0450. \ See also annex A.6.1.0450 \ * WORDS no longer displays the name of the first word list in the search order but avoids displaying \ the interpretive word list. \ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 \ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 \ 34567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890 \ Where the interative words go VARIABLE interpretive-wordlist WORDLIST interpretive-wordlist ! : interpretive ( -- ) GET-ORDER interpretive-wordlist @ SWAP 1+ SET-ORDER ; : interpretive? ( -- f ) GET-ORDER DUP IF OVER interpretive-wordlist @ = >R SET-ORDER R> THEN ; : +interpretive ( -- ) interpretive? 0= IF interpretive THEN ; : -interpretive ( -- ) interpretive? IF GET-ORDER NIP 1- SET-ORDER THEN ; : interpretive{ ( -- wid ) GET-CURRENT interpretive-wordlist @ SET-CURRENT ; : }interpretive ( wid -- ) SET-CURRENT ; \ Make interpretive play with standard words that enter compilation and interpretation state \ Redefine all Forth94 standard words that can change STATE, c.v 6.1.2250 and 15.6.2250 : [ ( -- ) POSTPONE [ +interpretive ; IMMEDIATE : ] ( -- ) -interpretive ] ; : : ( <name> -- ) : -interpretive ; : ; ( -- ) POSTPONE ; +interpretive ; IMMEDIATE : :NONAME ( -- xt ) :NONAME -interpretive ; : ;CODE ( -- ) POSTPONE ;CODE +interpretive ; IMMEDIATE : WORDS ( -- ) GET-ORDER -interpretive WORDS SET-ORDER ; : EVALUATE ( i*x c-addr u -- j*x ) interpretive? >R +interpretive EVALUATE R> 0= IF -interpretive THEN ; : ABORT ( -- ) +interpretive ABORT ; : ABORT" ( <ccc>" f -- ) POSTPONE IF [CHAR] " PARSE POSTPONE SLITERAL POSTPONE TYPE POSTPONE ABORT POSTPONE THEN ; IMMEDIATE : QUIT ( -- ) +interpretive QUIT ; +interpretive cr .( ready to define interpretive words ) cr .( usage: ) cr .( interpretive{ ) cr .( <interpretive_defintions> ) cr .( }interpretive ) cr
by UlrichHoffmann
ansforth94, forth-94, forth94, ndcs, special, interpretationsemantics, compilationsemantics