
Software floating point package

\ SFP24.SCR                                  hhh 17:04 20.07.98
  written using LMI PC/FORTH 3.2
  Heinrich Hohl, University of Konstanz

The floating point numbers used in this package are represented
by a composite double length number. 24 bits are used for the
mantissa, and the top 8 bits for the exponent.

The mantissa spans a range from -999999 through -100000
for negative numbers and from 100000 through 999999 for
positive numbers. It contains an implied decimal point five
digits from the right.

Floating point numbers are handled like double length numbers
with respect to stack operations, storage etc.

\ load screen                                hhh 11:20 03.08.98




\ constants                                  hhh 17:04 20.07.98

\ variables                                  hhh 17:04 20.07.98
VARIABLE exp       \ exponent of floating point numbers
VARIABLE sign      \ sign of mantissa or exponent
VARIABLE places    \ number of digits behind decimal point

\ pack and unpack floating point numbers     hhh 11:36 03.08.98
: 8>16 ( n -- n') [ HEX ]
\ turn a signed 8 bit number into a signed 16 bit number

: PACK ( d n -- f)  COMBINE ;
\ pack d mantissa and n exponent into floating point number

: UNPACK ( f -- d n)
  SPLIT  SWAP 8>16  SWAP 8>16 ;
\ unpack floating point number to d mantissa and n exponent

: M@ ( addr -- d)  DUP 1+ @ ( lo) SWAP C@ ( hi) 8>16 ;
\ fetch double length number from table of 24 bit numbers

\ basic operators                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
CREATE F@    ( addr -- f )         ' 2@    @  ' F@    !
CREATE F!    ( f addr -- )         ' 2!    @  ' F!    !
CREATE F@L   ( ptr -- f )          ' 2@L   @  ' F@L   !
CREATE F!L   ( f ptr -- )          ' 2!L   @  ' F!L   !

CREATE FDROP ( f1 f2 -- f1)        ' 2DROP @  ' FDROP !
CREATE FDUP  ( f -- f f)           ' 2DUP  @  ' FDUP  !
CREATE FOVER ( f1 f2 -- f1 f2 f1)  ' 2OVER @  ' FOVER !
CREATE FSWAP ( f1 f2 -- f2 f1)     ' 2SWAP @  ' FSWAP !

: FROT ( f1 f2 f3 -- f2 f3 f1)  5 ROLL  5 ROLL ;

: FCONSTANT ( f -- )  CREATE  , ,  ( -- f) DOES> 2@ ;
: FVARIABLE ( -- )    CREATE  0 , 0 , ;
\ normalize and shift /1/                    hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: INFLATE ( ud -- ud')
  BEGIN  2DUP 1.00000 D<  WHILE  10 D* -1 exp +!  REPEAT ;
\ inflate mantissae smaller than 1.00000 and adjust exponent

: DEFLATE ( ud -- ud')
  BEGIN  2DUP 9.99999 D>  WHILE  10 D/  1 exp +!  REPEAT ;
\ deflate mantissae larger than 9.99999 and adjust exponent

\ normalize and shift /2/                    hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: TRIM ( d n -- d' n')
  exp !                       \ store exponent
  2DUP D0=                    \ adjust only if d<>0
  IF    0                     \ d=0 needs a zero exponent
  ELSE  DUP 0<  >R            \ save sign on return stack
        DABS INFLATE DEFLATE  \ adjust mantissa and exponent
        R> ?DNEGATE           \ restore sign of mantissa
        exp @                 \ put exponent on top of mantissa
  THEN ;

\ Trim a double length number (d) with exponent (n) so that
\ afterwards the absolute value of the mantissa spans a range
\ from from 100000 through 999999. A zero mantissa is always
\ returned with a zero exponent.

\ normalize and shift /3/                    hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: DSHIFT ( d x -- d')
  DUP 0<
        0  DO 10 D/  LOOP
  ELSE  0 ?DO 10 D*  LOOP  THEN ;
\ decimal left shift (x<0 shifts |x| digits to the right)

\ conversion                                 hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: FLOAT ( d -- f)  5  DPL @ 0 MAX -  TRIM PACK ;
\ convert double length number to float considering DPL

: D>F ( d -- f)  5 TRIM PACK ;
\ convert double length number to float (ignore DPL)

: S>F ( n -- f)  S>D D>F ;
\ convert single length number to float

: F>D ( f -- d)  UNPACK  5 - DSHIFT ;
\ convert floating point number to double length number

: F>S ( f -- n)  F>D DROP ;
\ convert floating point number to single length number

\ triple length number operators /1/         hhh 17:04 20.07.98

: TU* ( ud1 ud2 -- ut)
  hi2 ! lo2 ! hi1 ! lo1 !
  lo1 @ lo2 @ UM* 0
  lo1 @ hi2 @ UM* D+
  lo2 @ hi1 @ UM* D+
  hi1 @ hi2 @ UM* SWAP D+ ;
\ multiply two ud numbers; product is ut number
\ (hi1*hi2) must not exceed an unsigned single length number!

\ triple length number operators /2/         hhh 17:44 02.08.98

: Q2*  ( q - q')
  D2* 2SWAP  DUP >R  D2* 2SWAP  R> 0< IF 1. D+ THEN ;

: TU/ ( ut ud - ud_quot)  denom 2!  0
  32 0
  DO  DUP >R
      2DUP denom 2@ DU< NOT  R> 0<  OR
      IF  denom 2@ D- 2SWAP  1. D+ 2SWAP  THEN
   LOOP  ( ud_quot ud_rem)  2DROP ;
\ divide ut number by ud number
\ taken from the "Mathbox" by Nathaniel Grossman

\ arithmetics /1/                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: FABS    ( f -- f')  UNPACK  >R DABS R>  PACK ;

\ arithmetics /2/                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: F+ ( f1 f2 -- f3)
  UNPACK >R 2SWAP UNPACK R>    \ ds: m1 m2 x2 x1
  2DUP MAX exp !               \ keep larger exponent
  -                            \ ds: m1 m2 (x2-x1)
  DUP 0>                       \ is x2 the larger exponent?
  IF  >R 2SWAP R>  THEN        \ yes: use m1 for right shifts
  ABS DUP 5 >                  \ number of shifts too large?
  IF    3DROP exp @            \ yes: return f with larger exp.
  ELSE  0 ?DO 10 D/ LOOP       \  no: perform right shifts
        D+                     \      calculate new mantissa
        exp @ TRIM             \      get exponent and trim
\ arithmetics /3/                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: F- ( f1 f2 -- f3)  FNEGATE F+ ;

\ arithmetics /4/                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: F* ( f1 f2 -- f3)
  UNPACK >R  2SWAP          \ unpack and save exponents
  UNPACK >R                 \
  DUP 0< >R  DABS  2SWAP    \ save signs and form absolutes
  DUP 0< >R  DABS           \
                            \ ds: |m1||m2|  rs: s2 s1 x1 x2
  TU*                       \ multiply mantissae
  100000. TU/               \ scale result
  R> R> XOR  ?DNEGATE       \ calculate sign and apply it
  R> R> +                   \ calculate exponent

: F10* ( f -- f')  2DUP OR  IF UNPACK 1+ PACK THEN ;
\ multiply by ten by increasing exponent by one (unless f=0)

\ arithmetics /5/                            hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: F/ ( f1 f2 -- f3)
  UNPACK >R  2SWAP          \ unpack and save exponents
  UNPACK >R                 \
  DUP 0< >R  DABS  2SWAP    \ save signs and form absolutes
  DUP 0< >R  DABS           \
                            \ ds: |m1||m2|  rs: s2 s1 x1 x2
  >R >R 1000000. TU*        \ inflate numerator
  R> R> TU/                 \ divide mantissae
  R> R> XOR  ?DNEGATE       \ calculate and apply sign
  R> R> - 1-                \ calculate exponent

: F10/ ( f -- f')  2DUP OR  IF UNPACK 1- PACK THEN ;
\ divide by ten by decreasing exponent by one (unless f=0)

\ comparison                                 hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: F0=  ( f -- ?)  D0= ;
: F0<> ( f -- ?)  D0= 0= ;
: F0<  ( f -- ?)  UNPACK DROP  D0< ;
: F0>  ( f -- ?)  UNPACK DROP  0. D> ;

: F=  ( f1 f2 -- ?)  D= ;
: F<> ( f1 f2 -- ?)  D<> ;
: F<  ( f1 f2 -- ?)  F- F0< ;
: F>  ( f1 f2 -- ?)  F- F0> ;

: FMAX ( f1 f2 -- f3)

: FMIN ( f1 f2 -- f3)
\ number input /1/                           hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: CONVERT-MANTISSA ( addr -- d addr')
  0. ROT  DUP 1+ C@  ASCII - =  DUP sign !  -  CONVERT
  DUP C@  ASCII . =
  IF    DUP >R  CONVERT  DUP R> - 1- DPL !
  ELSE  -1 DPL !  THEN
  >R  sign @ ?DNEGATE  R> ;
\ convert mantissa and return address of terminating character

: CONVERT-EXPONENT ( addr -- n addr')
  0. ROT  DUP 1+ C@  ASCII - =  DUP sign !  -  CONVERT
  >R  DROP sign @ ?NEGATE  R> ;
\ convert exponent and return address of terminating character

\ number input /2/                           hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: NUMBER? ( ^str -- d ?)
      5 +  DPL @ 0 MAX -  TRIM PACK
     -2 DPL !  R>
  C@  DUP BL =  SWAP 0=  OR ;
\ DPL=-2 if float; -1 if single; 0, 1, 2,... if double

: FNUMBER? ( ^str -- f ?)

\ number input /3/                           hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: NUMBER, ( d ? -- )
  DPL @  -1 =
\ executed by compiler after NUMBER? (compiles n|d|f)

: /NUMBER ( d ? -- n|d|f)
  0= ?UNDEFINED  DPL @  -1 =  IF DROP THEN ;
\ executed by interpreter after NUMBER? (puts n|d|f on stack)

: INSTALL-SFP ( -- )
  ['] NUMBER?     [ 73 ORIGIN+ ] LITERAL !
  ['] NUMBER,     [ 74 ORIGIN+ ] LITERAL !
\ formatted output /1/                       hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: PLACES ( n -- )  0 MAX  places ! ;
\ specify number of places behind the decimal point

: (FD.) ( fd -- addr len)
  <#  places @ 0 ?DO # LOOP  ASCII . HOLD  #S  ROT SIGN  #> ;
\ convert fixed point double length number to formatted string

\ formatted output /2/                       hhh 17:04 20.07.98
: (E.) ( f -- addr len)
  UNPACK  exp !
  places @ 5 -  DSHIFT  (FD.)
  " E" COUNT STRCAT  exp @ (.) STRCAT ;
\ convert f to a formatted string in exponential format

: E. ( f -- )  (E.) TYPE SPACE ;
\ display f in exponential format

: E.R ( f width -- )  >R (E.) R> OVER - SPACES TYPE ;
\ display f right justified in a field of specified width

\ formatted output /3/                       hhh 17:05 20.07.98
: (F.) ( f -- addr len)
  UNPACK  exp !
  places @ 5 - exp @ +  DSHIFT  (FD.) ;
\ convert f to a formatted string in fixed format

: F. ( f -- )  (F.) TYPE SPACE ;
\ display f in fixed format

: F.R ( f width -- )  >R (F.) R> OVER - SPACES TYPE ;
\ display f right justified in a field of specified width

\ functions /1/                              hhh 18:35 29.04.00
: 3! ( t addr -- )  DUP >R ! R> 2+ 2! ;
: 3@ ( addr -- t )  DUP >R 2+ 2@ R> @ ;


: SQRT ( ut -- ud)
  arg 3!
  999.999                        \ ds: ud
         arg 3@  R> R>           \ ds: ud ut ud
         TU/                     \ ds: ud (ut/ud)
         2OVER 2OVER D>
  WHILE  D+ D2/  REPEAT          \ ds: ud'
  2DROP ;
\ Newton iteration x' = �(x+a/x) for a � 999999�
\ functions /2/                              hhh 15:30 03.08.98
: FSQRT ( f -- f')
  2 /MOD  >R                     \ calc and save new exponent
  IF  1000.000                   \ for odd exponents
  ELSE 100.000 THEN              \ for even exponents
  TU*                            \ inflate mantissa
  SQRT                           \ calculate new mantissa
  R>                             \ get new exponent
  PACK ;

\ functions /3/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
CREATE logtable
(  1.0) 0.000000 C, , 0.010723 C, , 0.021189 C, , 0.031408 C, ,
(  1.1) 0.041392 C, , 0.051152 C, , 0.060697 C, , 0.070037 C, ,
(  1.2) 0.079181 C, , 0.088136 C, , 0.096910 C, , 0.105510 C, ,
(  1.3) 0.113943 C, , 0.122215 C, , 0.130333 C, , 0.138302 C, ,
(  1.4) 0.146128 C, , 0.153814 C, , 0.161368 C, , 0.168792 C, ,
(  1.5) 0.176091 C, , 0.183269 C, , 0.190331 C, , 0.197280 C, ,
(  1.6) 0.204119 C, , 0.210853 C, , 0.217483 C, , 0.224014 C, ,
(  1.7) 0.230448 C, , 0.236789 C, , 0.243038 C, , 0.249198 C, ,
(  1.8) 0.255272 C, , 0.261262 C, , 0.267171 C, , 0.273001 C, ,
(  1.9) 0.278753 C, , 0.284430 C, , 0.290034 C, , 0.295567 C, ,

\ functions /4/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  2.0) 0.301029 C, , 0.306425 C, , 0.311753 C, , 0.317018 C, ,
(  2.1) 0.322219 C, , 0.327358 C, , 0.332438 C, , 0.337459 C, ,
(  2.2) 0.342422 C, , 0.347330 C, , 0.352182 C, , 0.356981 C, ,
(  2.3) 0.361727 C, , 0.366422 C, , 0.371067 C, , 0.375663 C, ,
(  2.4) 0.380211 C, , 0.384711 C, , 0.389166 C, , 0.393575 C, ,
(  2.5) 0.397940 C, , 0.402261 C, , 0.406540 C, , 0.410777 C, ,
(  2.6) 0.414973 C, , 0.419129 C, , 0.423245 C, , 0.427323 C, ,
(  2.7) 0.431363 C, , 0.435366 C, , 0.439332 C, , 0.443262 C, ,
(  2.8) 0.447158 C, , 0.451018 C, , 0.454844 C, , 0.458637 C, ,
(  2.9) 0.462397 C, , 0.466125 C, , 0.469822 C, , 0.473486 C, ,

\ functions /5/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  3.0) 0.477121 C, , 0.480725 C, , 0.484299 C, , 0.487845 C, ,
(  3.1) 0.491361 C, , 0.494850 C, , 0.498310 C, , 0.501743 C, ,
(  3.2) 0.505149 C, , 0.508529 C, , 0.511883 C, , 0.515211 C, ,
(  3.3) 0.518513 C, , 0.521791 C, , 0.525044 C, , 0.528273 C, ,
(  3.4) 0.531478 C, , 0.534660 C, , 0.537819 C, , 0.540954 C, ,
(  3.5) 0.544068 C, , 0.547159 C, , 0.550228 C, , 0.553276 C, ,
(  3.6) 0.556302 C, , 0.559308 C, , 0.562292 C, , 0.565257 C, ,
(  3.7) 0.568201 C, , 0.571126 C, , 0.574031 C, , 0.576916 C, ,
(  3.8) 0.579783 C, , 0.582631 C, , 0.585460 C, , 0.588271 C, ,
(  3.9) 0.591064 C, , 0.593839 C, , 0.596597 C, , 0.599337 C, ,

\ functions /6/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  4.0) 0.602059 C, , 0.604765 C, , 0.607455 C, , 0.610127 C, ,
(  4.1) 0.612783 C, , 0.615423 C, , 0.618048 C, , 0.620656 C, ,
(  4.2) 0.623249 C, , 0.625826 C, , 0.628388 C, , 0.630936 C, ,
(  4.3) 0.633468 C, , 0.635986 C, , 0.638489 C, , 0.640978 C, ,
(  4.4) 0.643452 C, , 0.645913 C, , 0.648360 C, , 0.650793 C, ,
(  4.5) 0.653212 C, , 0.655618 C, , 0.658011 C, , 0.660391 C, ,
(  4.6) 0.662757 C, , 0.665111 C, , 0.667452 C, , 0.669781 C, ,
(  4.7) 0.672097 C, , 0.674401 C, , 0.676693 C, , 0.678973 C, ,
(  4.8) 0.681241 C, , 0.683497 C, , 0.685741 C, , 0.687974 C, ,
(  4.9) 0.690196 C, , 0.692406 C, , 0.694605 C, , 0.696793 C, ,

\ functions /7/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  5.0) 0.698970 C, , 0.701136 C, , 0.703291 C, , 0.705436 C, ,
(  5.1) 0.707570 C, , 0.709693 C, , 0.711807 C, , 0.713910 C, ,
(  5.2) 0.716003 C, , 0.718086 C, , 0.720159 C, , 0.722222 C, ,
(  5.3) 0.724275 C, , 0.726319 C, , 0.728353 C, , 0.730378 C, ,
(  5.4) 0.732393 C, , 0.734399 C, , 0.736396 C, , 0.738384 C, ,
(  5.5) 0.740362 C, , 0.742332 C, , 0.744292 C, , 0.746244 C, ,
(  5.6) 0.748188 C, , 0.750122 C, , 0.752048 C, , 0.753965 C, ,
(  5.7) 0.755874 C, , 0.757775 C, , 0.759667 C, , 0.761551 C, ,
(  5.8) 0.763427 C, , 0.765295 C, , 0.767155 C, , 0.769007 C, ,
(  5.9) 0.770852 C, , 0.772688 C, , 0.774516 C, , 0.776337 C, ,

\ functions /8/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  6.0) 0.778151 C, , 0.779957 C, , 0.781755 C, , 0.783546 C, ,
(  6.1) 0.785329 C, , 0.787106 C, , 0.788875 C, , 0.790636 C, ,
(  6.2) 0.792391 C, , 0.794139 C, , 0.795880 C, , 0.797613 C, ,
(  6.3) 0.799340 C, , 0.801060 C, , 0.802773 C, , 0.804480 C, ,
(  6.4) 0.806179 C, , 0.807873 C, , 0.809559 C, , 0.811239 C, ,
(  6.5) 0.812913 C, , 0.814580 C, , 0.816241 C, , 0.817895 C, ,
(  6.6) 0.819543 C, , 0.821185 C, , 0.822821 C, , 0.824451 C, ,
(  6.7) 0.826074 C, , 0.827692 C, , 0.829303 C, , 0.830909 C, ,
(  6.8) 0.832508 C, , 0.834102 C, , 0.835690 C, , 0.837272 C, ,
(  6.9) 0.838849 C, , 0.840419 C, , 0.841984 C, , 0.843544 C, ,

\ functions /9/                              hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  7.0) 0.845098 C, , 0.846646 C, , 0.848189 C, , 0.849726 C, ,
(  7.1) 0.851258 C, , 0.852784 C, , 0.854306 C, , 0.855821 C, ,
(  7.2) 0.857332 C, , 0.858837 C, , 0.860338 C, , 0.861832 C, ,
(  7.3) 0.863322 C, , 0.864807 C, , 0.866287 C, , 0.867762 C, ,
(  7.4) 0.869231 C, , 0.870696 C, , 0.872156 C, , 0.873611 C, ,
(  7.5) 0.875061 C, , 0.876506 C, , 0.877946 C, , 0.879382 C, ,
(  7.6) 0.880813 C, , 0.882239 C, , 0.883661 C, , 0.885078 C, ,
(  7.7) 0.886490 C, , 0.887898 C, , 0.889301 C, , 0.890700 C, ,
(  7.8) 0.892094 C, , 0.893484 C, , 0.894869 C, , 0.896250 C, ,
(  7.9) 0.897627 C, , 0.898999 C, , 0.900367 C, , 0.901730 C, ,

\ functions /10/                             hhh 11:24 03.08.98
(  8.0) 0.903089 C, , 0.904445 C, , 0.905795 C, , 0.907142 C, ,
(  8.1) 0.908485 C, , 0.909823 C, , 0.911157 C, , 0.912487 C, ,
(  8.2) 0.913813 C, , 0.915135 C, , 0.916453 C, , 0.917768 C, ,
(  8.3) 0.919078 C, , 0.920384 C, , 0.921686 C, , 0.922984 C, ,
(  8.4) 0.924279 C, , 0.925569 C, , 0.926856 C, , 0.928139 C, ,
(  8.5) 0.929418 C, , 0.930694 C, , 0.931966 C, , 0.933234 C, ,
(  8.6) 0.934498 C, , 0.935759 C, , 0.937016 C, , 0.938269 C, ,
(  8.7) 0.939519 C, , 0.940765 C, , 0.942008 C, , 0.943247 C, ,
(  8.8) 0.944482 C, , 0.945714 C, , 0.946943 C, , 0.948168 C, ,
(  8.9) 0.949390 C, , 0.950608 C, , 0.951823 C, , 0.953034 C, ,

\ functions /11/                             hhh 11:33 03.08.98
(  9.0) 0.954242 C, , 0.955447 C, , 0.956648 C, , 0.957846 C, ,
(  9.1) 0.959041 C, , 0.960232 C, , 0.961421 C, , 0.962606 C, ,
(  9.2) 0.963787 C, , 0.964966 C, , 0.966141 C, , 0.967313 C, ,
(  9.3) 0.968482 C, , 0.969648 C, , 0.970811 C, , 0.971971 C, ,
(  9.4) 0.973127 C, , 0.974281 C, , 0.975431 C, , 0.976579 C, ,
(  9.5) 0.977723 C, , 0.978864 C, , 0.980003 C, , 0.981138 C, ,
(  9.6) 0.982271 C, , 0.983400 C, , 0.984527 C, , 0.985650 C, ,
(  9.7) 0.986771 C, , 0.987889 C, , 0.989004 C, , 0.990116 C, ,
(  9.8) 0.991226 C, , 0.992332 C, , 0.993436 C, , 0.994537 C, ,
(  9.9) 0.995635 C, , 0.996730 C, , 0.997823 C, , 0.998912 C, ,
( 10.0) 1.000000 C, ,

\ functions /12/                             hhh 15:30 03.08.98
: LOG ( ud -- ud')
  2500 UM/MOD  SWAP >R           \ save remainder
  40 - ( offset) 3 * logtable +  \ addr of left neighbour
  DUP M@  ROT 3 + M@             \ left and right neighbours
  2OVER D-                       \ difference of neighbours
  DROP  R> 2500 */  0            \ scale difference
  D+ ;                           \ and add to left neighbour
\ interpolate logtable for 1.00000 <= ud <= 9.99999

: FLOG ( f -- f')
  DUP 0< >R ABS  1000.000 ROT D*   R> ?DNEGATE
  2SWAP LOG  D+  -1 TRIM  PACK ;

\ functions /13/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
CREATE alogtable
( 0.00)  1.00000 C, , 1.00577 C, , 1.01157 C, , 1.01741 C, ,
( 0.01)  1.02329 C, , 1.02920 C, , 1.03514 C, , 1.04111 C, ,
( 0.02)  1.04712 C, , 1.05317 C, , 1.05925 C, , 1.06536 C, ,
( 0.03)  1.07151 C, , 1.07770 C, , 1.08392 C, , 1.09018 C, ,
( 0.04)  1.09647 C, , 1.10280 C, , 1.10917 C, , 1.11557 C, ,
( 0.05)  1.12201 C, , 1.12849 C, , 1.13501 C, , 1.14156 C, ,
( 0.06)  1.14815 C, , 1.15478 C, , 1.16144 C, , 1.16815 C, ,
( 0.07)  1.17489 C, , 1.18168 C, , 1.18850 C, , 1.19536 C, ,
( 0.08)  1.20226 C, , 1.20920 C, , 1.21618 C, , 1.22320 C, ,
( 0.09)  1.23026 C, , 1.23737 C, , 1.24451 C, , 1.25169 C, ,

\ functions /14/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.10)  1.25892 C, , 1.26619 C, , 1.27350 C, , 1.28085 C, ,
( 0.11)  1.28824 C, , 1.29568 C, , 1.30316 C, , 1.31069 C, ,
( 0.12)  1.31825 C, , 1.32586 C, , 1.33352 C, , 1.34121 C, ,
( 0.13)  1.34896 C, , 1.35675 C, , 1.36458 C, , 1.37246 C, ,
( 0.14)  1.38038 C, , 1.38835 C, , 1.39636 C, , 1.40442 C, ,
( 0.15)  1.41253 C, , 1.42069 C, , 1.42889 C, , 1.43714 C, ,
( 0.16)  1.44543 C, , 1.45378 C, , 1.46217 C, , 1.47061 C, ,
( 0.17)  1.47910 C, , 1.48764 C, , 1.49623 C, , 1.50487 C, ,
( 0.18)  1.51356 C, , 1.52229 C, , 1.53108 C, , 1.53992 C, ,
( 0.19)  1.54881 C, , 1.55775 C, , 1.56675 C, , 1.57579 C, ,

\ functions /15/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.20)  1.58489 C, , 1.59404 C, , 1.60324 C, , 1.61250 C, ,
( 0.21)  1.62181 C, , 1.63117 C, , 1.64058 C, , 1.65006 C, ,
( 0.22)  1.65958 C, , 1.66916 C, , 1.67880 C, , 1.68849 C, ,
( 0.23)  1.69824 C, , 1.70804 C, , 1.71790 C, , 1.72782 C, ,
( 0.24)  1.73780 C, , 1.74783 C, , 1.75792 C, , 1.76807 C, ,
( 0.25)  1.77827 C, , 1.78854 C, , 1.79887 C, , 1.80925 C, ,
( 0.26)  1.81970 C, , 1.83020 C, , 1.84077 C, , 1.85139 C, ,
( 0.27)  1.86208 C, , 1.87283 C, , 1.88364 C, , 1.89452 C, ,
( 0.28)  1.90546 C, , 1.91646 C, , 1.92752 C, , 1.93865 C, ,
( 0.29)  1.94984 C, , 1.96110 C, , 1.97242 C, , 1.98380 C, ,

\ functions /16/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.30)  1.99526 C, , 2.00678 C, , 2.01836 C, , 2.03001 C, ,
( 0.31)  2.04173 C, , 2.05352 C, , 2.06538 C, , 2.07730 C, ,
( 0.32)  2.08929 C, , 2.10135 C, , 2.11348 C, , 2.12569 C, ,
( 0.33)  2.13796 C, , 2.15030 C, , 2.16271 C, , 2.17520 C, ,
( 0.34)  2.18776 C, , 2.20039 C, , 2.21309 C, , 2.22587 C, ,
( 0.35)  2.23872 C, , 2.25164 C, , 2.26464 C, , 2.27771 C, ,
( 0.36)  2.29086 C, , 2.30409 C, , 2.31739 C, , 2.33077 C, ,
( 0.37)  2.34422 C, , 2.35776 C, , 2.37137 C, , 2.38506 C, ,
( 0.38)  2.39883 C, , 2.41268 C, , 2.42661 C, , 2.44061 C, ,
( 0.39)  2.45470 C, , 2.46888 C, , 2.48313 C, , 2.49746 C, ,

\ functions /17/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.40)  2.51188 C, , 2.52638 C, , 2.54097 C, , 2.55564 C, ,
( 0.41)  2.57039 C, , 2.58523 C, , 2.60015 C, , 2.61517 C, ,
( 0.42)  2.63026 C, , 2.64545 C, , 2.66072 C, , 2.67608 C, ,
( 0.43)  2.69153 C, , 2.70707 C, , 2.72270 C, , 2.73841 C, ,
( 0.44)  2.75422 C, , 2.77012 C, , 2.78612 C, , 2.80220 C, ,
( 0.45)  2.81838 C, , 2.83465 C, , 2.85101 C, , 2.86747 C, ,
( 0.46)  2.88403 C, , 2.90068 C, , 2.91742 C, , 2.93426 C, ,
( 0.47)  2.95120 C, , 2.96824 C, , 2.98538 C, , 3.00261 C, ,
( 0.48)  3.01995 C, , 3.03738 C, , 3.05492 C, , 3.07255 C, ,
( 0.49)  3.09029 C, , 3.10813 C, , 3.12607 C, , 3.14412 C, ,

\ functions /18/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.50)  3.16227 C, , 3.18053 C, , 3.19889 C, , 3.21736 C, ,
( 0.51)  3.23593 C, , 3.25461 C, , 3.27340 C, , 3.29230 C, ,
( 0.52)  3.31131 C, , 3.33042 C, , 3.34965 C, , 3.36899 C, ,
( 0.53)  3.38844 C, , 3.40800 C, , 3.42767 C, , 3.44746 C, ,
( 0.54)  3.46736 C, , 3.48738 C, , 3.50751 C, , 3.52776 C, ,
( 0.55)  3.54813 C, , 3.56861 C, , 3.58921 C, , 3.60994 C, ,
( 0.56)  3.63078 C, , 3.65174 C, , 3.67282 C, , 3.69402 C, ,
( 0.57)  3.71535 C, , 3.73680 C, , 3.75837 C, , 3.78007 C, ,
( 0.58)  3.80189 C, , 3.82384 C, , 3.84591 C, , 3.86812 C, ,
( 0.59)  3.89045 C, , 3.91291 C, , 3.93550 C, , 3.95822 C, ,

\ functions /19/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.60)  3.98107 C, , 4.00405 C, , 4.02717 C, , 4.05041 C, ,
( 0.61)  4.07380 C, , 4.09732 C, , 4.12097 C, , 4.14476 C, ,
( 0.62)  4.16869 C, , 4.19275 C, , 4.21696 C, , 4.24130 C, ,
( 0.63)  4.26579 C, , 4.29042 C, , 4.31519 C, , 4.34010 C, ,
( 0.64)  4.36515 C, , 4.39035 C, , 4.41570 C, , 4.44119 C, ,
( 0.65)  4.46683 C, , 4.49262 C, , 4.51855 C, , 4.54464 C, ,
( 0.66)  4.57088 C, , 4.59726 C, , 4.62381 C, , 4.65050 C, ,
( 0.67)  4.67735 C, , 4.70435 C, , 4.73151 C, , 4.75882 C, ,
( 0.68)  4.78630 C, , 4.81393 C, , 4.84172 C, , 4.86967 C, ,
( 0.69)  4.89778 C, , 4.92606 C, , 4.95450 C, , 4.98310 C, ,

\ functions /20/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.70)  5.01187 C, , 5.04080 C, , 5.06990 C, , 5.09917 C, ,
( 0.71)  5.12861 C, , 5.15822 C, , 5.18800 C, , 5.21795 C, ,
( 0.72)  5.24807 C, , 5.27837 C, , 5.30884 C, , 5.33949 C, ,
( 0.73)  5.37031 C, , 5.40132 C, , 5.43250 C, , 5.46386 C, ,
( 0.74)  5.49540 C, , 5.52713 C, , 5.55904 C, , 5.59113 C, ,
( 0.75)  5.62341 C, , 5.65587 C, , 5.68852 C, , 5.72136 C, ,
( 0.76)  5.75439 C, , 5.78761 C, , 5.82103 C, , 5.85463 C, ,
( 0.77)  5.88843 C, , 5.92243 C, , 5.95662 C, , 5.99100 C, ,
( 0.78)  6.02559 C, , 6.06038 C, , 6.09536 C, , 6.13055 C, ,
( 0.79)  6.16595 C, , 6.20154 C, , 6.23734 C, , 6.27335 C, ,

\ functions /21/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.80)  6.30957 C, , 6.34599 C, , 6.38263 C, , 6.41948 C, ,
( 0.81)  6.45654 C, , 6.49381 C, , 6.53130 C, , 6.56901 C, ,
( 0.82)  6.60693 C, , 6.64507 C, , 6.68343 C, , 6.72202 C, ,
( 0.83)  6.76082 C, , 6.79986 C, , 6.83911 C, , 6.87859 C, ,
( 0.84)  6.91830 C, , 6.95824 C, , 6.99841 C, , 7.03882 C, ,
( 0.85)  7.07945 C, , 7.12032 C, , 7.16143 C, , 7.20277 C, ,
( 0.86)  7.24435 C, , 7.28618 C, , 7.32824 C, , 7.37055 C, ,
( 0.87)  7.41310 C, , 7.45589 C, , 7.49894 C, , 7.54223 C, ,
( 0.88)  7.58577 C, , 7.62956 C, , 7.67361 C, , 7.71791 C, ,
( 0.89)  7.76247 C, , 7.80728 C, , 7.85235 C, , 7.89768 C, ,

\ functions /22/                             hhh 11:25 03.08.98
( 0.90)  7.94328 C, , 7.98913 C, , 8.03526 C, , 8.08164 C, ,
( 0.91)  8.12830 C, , 8.17523 C, , 8.22242 C, , 8.26989 C, ,
( 0.92)  8.31763 C, , 8.36565 C, , 8.41395 C, , 8.46252 C, ,
( 0.93)  8.51138 C, , 8.56051 C, , 8.60993 C, , 8.65964 C, ,
( 0.94)  8.70963 C, , 8.75991 C, , 8.81048 C, , 8.86135 C, ,
( 0.95)  8.91250 C, , 8.96396 C, , 9.01571 C, , 9.06775 C, ,
( 0.96)  9.12010 C, , 9.17275 C, , 9.22571 C, , 9.27897 C, ,
( 0.97)  9.33254 C, , 9.38642 C, , 9.44060 C, , 9.49510 C, ,
( 0.98)  9.54992 C, , 9.60505 C, , 9.66050 C, , 9.71627 C, ,
( 0.99)  9.77237 C, , 9.82878 C, , 9.88553 C, , 9.94260 C, ,
( 1.00) 10.00000 C, ,

\ functions /23/                             hhh 14:46 03.08.98
: ALOG ( ud -- ud')
  250 UM/MOD  SWAP >R            \ save remainder
  3 * alogtable +                \ addr of left neighbour
  DUP M@  ROT 3 + M@             \ left and right neighbour
  2OVER D-                       \ difference of neighbours
  DROP  R> 250 */  0             \ scale difference
  D+ ;                           \ and add to left neighbour
\ interpolate alogtable for 0.00000 <= ud <= 0.99999

\ functions /24/                             hhh 15:35 03.08.98
: FALOG ( f -- f')
  D2/ D2/ 25000 M/MOD >R DROP  \ divide by 100.000; save quot
  25000 R@ M* D2* D2* D-       \ calculate ud_rem
  ALOG                         \ new mantissa, no need to trim
  R> PACK ;                    \ get exponent and pack number

\ The routine 2DUP ... D- divides a d number by 100.000 and
\ returns the quotient (n) and the remainder (ud).
\  6.12345 e.g. is split up into  6 and 0.12345
\ -6.12345 e.g. is split up into -7 and 0.87655
\ Floored division automatically gives the correct result for
\ negative f numbers.

\ main command                               hhh 16:37 02.08.98

: SFP ( -- )

\ excise headers                             hhh 18:38 02.08.98
EXCISE exp places
EXCISE 8>16 8>16
EXCISE denom TU/
EXCISE logtable LOG
EXCISE alogtable ALOG