Fixed point number package
- raw
- raw fixed_lmi.scr
- raw fixed_lmi.txt
- raw fixed_sf.f
- raw fixed_vfx.fth
- raw
- raw license.txt
- raw package.4th
\ FIXED.SCR hhh 12:30 02/09/97 written using LMI PC/FORTH 3.2 Heinrich Hohl, Lucent Technologies This package facilitates the use of fixed point double length numbers (fd). These are double length numbers containing an implied decimal point at a known, fixed position. The following words allow easy handling of fixed point numbers: PLACES ................ determine position of decimal point (FD.) FD. FD.R ........ used to display fd numbers FIXED ................. convert any input d number to fd number D+ D- D* D/ ........... calculate with d or fd numbers T* T/ TU* TU/ TU// .... basic triple length number operators D*/ DU*/ DU*// ........ scale d or fd numbers; triple length intermediate results are used \ load screen hhh 14:16 02/08/97 FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL BSTART OVERLAY 2 ?SCREENS 1- THRU FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL BSTART OVERLAY 2 ?SCREENS 1- THRU BSAVE OVERLAY FIXED 0 RETURN \ variables hhh 14:02 02/08/97 VARIABLE places \ number of digits behind decimal point \ number input hhh 14:00 02/08/97 : PLACES ( n -- ) 0 MAX places ! ; \ specify number of places behind the decimal point : DSHIFT ( d n -- d') DUP 0< IF NEGATE 0 ?DO 10 D/ LOOP ELSE 0 ?DO 10 D* LOOP THEN ; \ decimal left shift (n<0 shifts |n| digits to the right) : FIXED ( d -- fd) places @ DPL @ 0 MAX - DSHIFT ; \ convert double length number to fd considering DPL \ formatted output hhh 13:58 02/08/97 : (FD.) ( fd -- addr len) TUCK DABS <# places @ 0 ?DO # LOOP ASCII . HOLD #S ROT SIGN #> ; \ convert fixed point double length number to formatted string : FD. ( fd -- ) (FD.) TYPE SPACE ; \ display fixed point double length number : FD.R ( fd width -- ) >R (FD.) R> OVER - SPACES TYPE ; \ display number right justified in a field of specified width \ extended arithmetics 12:31 02/09/97 : UM/ ( ud u -- u') UM/MOD NIP ; : T* ( d v -- t) TUCK M* >R >R UM* 0 R> R> D+ ; : T/ ( t v -- d) DUP >R M/MOD -ROT R> UM/ SWAP ; \ multiply or divide signed long number by 0 <= v <= 7FFF : TU* ( ud u -- ut) TUCK UM* >R >R UM* 0 R> R> D+ ; : TU/ ( ut u -- ud) DUP >R UM/MOD -ROT R> UM/ SWAP ; \ multiply or divide unsigned long numbers by unsigned number : TU// ( ut ud -- u) DUP 1+ DUP >R UM/ R> SWAP >R TU/ R> UM/ ; \ divide ut number by ud number \ scaling hhh 14:05 02/08/97 : D*/ ( d v1 v2 -- d') >R T* R> T/ ; \ scale double length number d according to the unsigned \ numbers v1 and v2 of range 0 <= v <= 7FFF: (d*v1)/v2 = d' : DU*/ ( ud u1 u2 -- ud') >R TU* R> TU/ ; \ scale unsigned double length number ud according to the \ unsigned numbers u1 and u2: (ud*u1)/u2 = ud' : DU*// ( u ud1 ud2 -- u') >R >R ROT TU* R> R> TU// ; \ scale unsigned number u according to the unsigned double \ length numbers ud1 and ud2: (u*ud1)/ud2 = u' \ tip: avoid fussy stack operations by using basic triple \ length arithmetic operators for scaling instead of the \ scaling operators shown in this screen \ excise headers hhh 13:33 02/08/97 EXCISE places places EXCISE DSHIFT DSHIFT EXCISE UM/ UM/
by HeinrichHohl
ansforth94, forth-94, lmi-forth, swiftforth, vfx-forth, forth-83, tools, fixed-point-arithmetic