Fixed point number package
- raw
- raw fixed_lmi.scr
- raw fixed_lmi.txt
- raw fixed_sf.f
- raw fixed_vfx.fth
- raw
- raw license.txt
- raw package.4th
(* ==================================================================== fixed.fth Fixed point number package for VFX Forth Copyright (c) Dr. Heinrich Hohl, Munich, Germany Originally written using LMI PC/FORTH 3.2 (April 1992) Published in: Forth-Magazin 'Vierte Dimension' Nr. 2/1992, p.7 Rewritten for SwiftForth 3.5.6 (December 2014) Adapted to VFX Forth 4.72 (September 2016) -------------------------------------------------------------------- A fixed point number (f) is a single length number with an implied decimal point at a specified position. PLACES is used to specify the position of the implied decimal point. FIXED can be used immediately after a numeric conversion to generate a fixed point number (based on DPL). This package is for 32-bit systems. In this case, a fixed point number is represented by a single-length number. Use standard operators (+, -, *, /, @, !, etc.) with fixed point numbers. ==================================================================== *) FORTH DEFINITIONS DECIMAL MODULE PRIVATE-FIXED (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Implied decimal point -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) VARIABLE f#places \ number of digits to the right of the implied decimal point : PLACES ( n -- ) 0 MAX f#places ! ; \ specify the number of digits behind the decimal point 5 PLACES \ default setting gives a total resolution of 6 digits (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Number conversion -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) : SHIFT ( n1 n -- n2) DUP 0< IF NEGATE 0 DO 10 / LOOP ELSE 0 ?DO 10 * LOOP THEN ; \ perform decimal right shift (n<0) or left shift (n>0) : FIXED ( n|d -- f) DPL @ 1+ 0> IF D>S THEN f#places @ DPL @ 0 MAX - SHIFT ; \ convert single or double length number to fixed point number (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- Numeric output words -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) : (F.) ( f -- addr len) DUP ABS 0 <# f#places @ 0 ?DO # LOOP [CHAR] . HOLD #S ROT SIGN #> ; \ convert a fixed point number to a formatted string : F. ( f -- ) (F.) TYPE SPACE ; \ display a fixed point number : F.R ( f width -- ) >R (F.) R> OVER - SPACES TYPE ; \ display a fixed point number right justified in a field of specified width (* ==================================================================== *) EXPORT PLACES EXPORT FIXED EXPORT (F.) EXPORT F. EXPORT F.R END-MODULE
by HeinrichHohl
ansforth94, forth-94, lmi-forth, swiftforth, vfx-forth, forth-83, tools, fixed-point-arithmetic