
Implementations of SwiftForth's PACKAGE words

package example

defer text
: ex1  s" This is an example" ;
' ex1 is text


: .example ( -- )  text cr type ;


: ex2  s" This is an example (cont.)" ;


: tests ( -- )
  ." (1) Expected: This is an example"
  s" .example" evaluate cr cr

  ." (2) Expected: -13 (or in ciforth: 10)"
  s" ex1" ['] evaluate catch nip nip cr . cr cr

  ." (3) Expected: This is an example (cont.)"
  s" package example ' ex2 is text end-package .example" evaluate cr cr

  ." (4) Expected: The next two lines are the same:"
  example +order
  cr order
  cr order cr cr